
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WWW Wednesday – May 22

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
Currently Reading:

Mercury Pictures Presents by Anthony Marra (2022) is this month’s book group selection. It is set at a Hollywood movie studio during WWII that is full of European refugees trying to make a living as screenwriters or actors. The main character, Maria Lagana, came to California from Rome as a child and has become a key employee of Mercury Pictures. Unfortunately, it is not as compelling as I had hoped or I’d be done by now.
Of greater interest is The Cuckoo at Coolnean by Meta Mayne Reid (1956). I don’t remember who recommended this fantasy series but I could only locate two of five, set in Northern Ireland where she grew up. Brothers Colly and Kay and their cousin Charlotte, under the guidance of their cat, Tiffany, have been nibbling hazel leaves, which trigger magical adventures. In this book, third in the series, they are searching for treasure, much needed by Charlotte’s widowed mother and their new friend Rosa, recently orphaned. I have Strangers in Carrigmore, book 4, as well.

Recently Finished:

I just finished Has Anyone Seen Charlotte Salter? by Nicci French (2023). This was really like two different books: the first begins during a 50th birthday party, at which Charlotte never arrives, to the consternation of her children, although her husband, whose birthday it is, doesn’t seem to care. In the second half of the book, thirty years later, there is another death, and a brilliant female police detective is summoned from London to clear up the investigation. I found her much more appealing and interesting than any of the Salters so I hope there are more books about her from this husband/wife author team.
I also read The Striped Ships by Eloise Jarvis McGraw (1991). It is a very well-done children’s historical novel that begins the day that William the Conqueror invades England, told from the perspective of a well-born Saxon girl. My review.

I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang (2004) is an appealing YA novel about two perfectionist rival teens. Sadie is determined to be perfect and channels her annoyance with teachers and peers in snarky emails she would never send – until they get sent by accident, infuriating everyone in sight, especially Julius, her attractive but annoying classmate.
Up Next:

There was a long wait at the library for Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera (2024). Here is the premise: What if you thought you murdered your best friend? And if everyone else thought so too? And what if the truth doesn't matter? After Lucy is found wandering the streets, covered in her best friend Savvy’s blood, everyone thinks she is a murderer.
The next Oz book for me is The Emerald City of Oz by L. Frank Baum (1910). Dorothy’s Aunt Em and Uncle Henry have never had an easy life but now they are at risk of losing their farm. Can Dorothy save the day?


  1. So many interesting sounding books. It's a shame that Mercury Pictures Presents isn't what you hoped it would be, but hopefully it will pick up?

    I want to give Listen For The Lie a go. It's been everywhere on my social media! I hope that you enjoy it when you get to it. Maybe one day I'll get round to reading it too!

    Have a great week!

  2. Love the sound of The Striped Ship! Will look for that. Hope all's well with you, Constance?

  3. I also think The Striped Ship sounds great. I am finding children's history books to be very satisfying--they are generally accurate (as far as I can tell) but explain stuff without assuming the reader already knows how life worked back in the way back.

    The Cuckoo of Coolnean also sounds intriguing, but I doubt my library or used book store will have it...but I will check!

    Love the premise of Mercury Pictures Presents--too bad it isn't delivering.

  4. Too bad about the Marra novel. I have read him before but I saw the reviews on this one were just so-so .... so I let it go. right decision?
