Last winter, trying to console myself with Oreos when I thought that was my only option, I entered a sweepstakes in which my family would take on Peyton, Eli and Archie Manning in an Oreo cream filling contest. I had forgotten all about it until I saw a commercial during the Olympics in which Peyton and Eli were eating Oreos, and wondered what happened to my entry. My sisters say the Mannings are so competitive we never would have won. I had to investigate and now I see that an Ohio grandmother won the chance to compete against sibling pro quarterbacks Eli and Peyton in the Oreo-licking contest.
They're here! i saw them last week at a Stop-n-Shop in Queens.
Saw them yesterday at Wal*Mart in White Plains.
We have the same problem here in New England with Crown Pilot Crackers. They have been pulled once already in 1997. NOw Nabisco either needs more publicity, or they really want them gone!
Glad you got your hydrox back.
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