Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Pride & Prejudice room does not come with your own Mr. Darcy

Bestselling author Nora Roberts must have incredible energy as well as imagination as she writes books faster than the normal person finishes a sentence, but now she has taken on an interesting project - that of innkeeper! I have always wanted to visit her bookstore in MD and now I'd like to visit this inn and stay in the Pride & Prejudice room . . . My geography is terrible - until I looked at the map I didn't realize how close Nora lives to the Pennsylvania border. Those of us who only know Baltimore and Route 95 need to explore the state sometime!

1 comment:

CLM said...

I dragged my brother and his family to Boonsboro at least ten years ago but we got there so late the bookstore was closed and the inn was not open either. We did get pizza before heading back to DC.