Friday was the last day of my clerkship, and I was somewhat melancholy at the thought of leaving my judge who has been so much fun to work with over the last year. I was very busy finishing up projects and writing helpful memos to my successor (since he also went to Duke I thoughtfully left him the 07-08 basketball schedule and a picture of Christian Laetner, but he says he has no interest in sports - what a downer for the Judge, who enjoys them very much) but paused to take a few photos of our beautiful courthouse with my friend Felicia, who clerked down the hall.

Life in chambers is not entirely research: there is occasionally time for hoop!

Of course, I am not going far, merely a few blocks away...
I'm glad to see the law agrees with you; you look wonderful. All best wishes for your new job.
I just got off the phone with Wendy, after a conversation in which we compared various editions of The Painted Garden/Movie Shoes. We may bring you in for a consultation.
Hmmm, well, I certainly thought I owned both editions, but neither is shelved with my Streatfeilds. I will check to see if my sister has them.
Thanks for the good wishes! I keep meaning to email Wendy because there is a Melendy Avenue about a mile from me. If we were drunken males, I am sure we would try to swipe it.
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