Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas books

I try to give books for Christmas presents, and found something for nearly everyone in the family:

King of Lies by John Hart for my father, who also got the new Joseph Finder (I was amused that his comment was not, “Oh, New York Times bestseller whose other books I have read,” but “Oh, he spoke at the Harvard Club recently.” Well, maybe he hasn’t read Finder’s other books but I have, since back when a company I worked for published the Moscow Club. They are uneven but some are quite good (not sure about this one or the last one – they are probably misses).

Bess of Hardwick by Mary Lovell (author of the book about the Mitford sisters) for my mother, courtesy of my friend John. I read most of this before I wrapped it and really enjoyed it. I also gave her a paperback for her vacation, What Angels Fear.

Anastasia Krupnik for my niece Alexa, which it turned out she had already read. I had Ophie Out of Oz as a backup but hesitated. It is a cute little book about a girl who switches schools a lot and doesn't always make friends as fast as she would like. However, Alexa will be switching schools soon and I didn't want to precipitate any angst... So it is still in my apartment. I also began reading the nieces Skating Shoes and gave them one of my copies to bring home with them. Here is a picture of me with my nieces at Dillon Field House:

I gave The Princess and the Hound for my niece Victoria, which has a sort of Robin McKinley-esque element (she also received The Keeping Days from my sister-in-law, which I didn't realize Samantha had ever read). Harry the Dirty Dog for Nicholas, Goodnight Boston for Xavier, and several for the nephews in NYC whose books are still waiting to be sent. I decided Christopher was ready for Laura Ingalls Wilder, and James got The Happy Lion, recommended by Kelly.

I received City of Shadows, written by Diana Norman under a pseudonym, which I had been looking forward to for months. I also ordered for myself the new WEB Griffin and the new bio of Alice Roosevelt.

I forgot the most satisfying gift - I found the four books my brother in law was missing from his collection of Three Investigators! He has already begun reading book one, The Secret of Terror Castle to my nephew.

1 comment:

Little Willow said...

Great picks! I adore the Anastasia Krupnik books and the Shoes books.