The premise is that writer Juliet Ashton is tired and depressed after the war, to the point that she can't even enjoy the success of her bestseller because she feels it is trite and the people who admire it are shallow. She is already worried about finding her next topic, when she unexpectedly receives a letter from Guernsey where a local farmer has unexpectedly come into possession of one of her books (with her address inscribed on the flyleaf). Through their correspondence. she is drawn into the lives of the islanders and eventually travels to Guernsey to write about their struggles and triumphs during the war. Of course, the project distracts Juliet from her war-induced weariness and helps her regroup and start anew but it doesn't feel like a cliche.
I just got this from the library; I will probably read it this weekend. (Finished Graceling on my way home today. I stopped for tea and reading because I knew I couldn't concentrate on anything else until I finished it.)
Now I am very eager to read it! I will check the library tomorrow.
I loved this book. I cried and laughed out loud and thought about the characters as I fell asleep at night: everything I want in a book.
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